Produce Show
The 16th annual show takes place on Saturday, 6th September 2025 at the Village Hall
- Entries - 08:30 to 10:30
- Judging - 11:00 to 12:30
- Public entry from 14:00
- Prizes - 15:00 to 16:00
Come and see what we grow and make.
Meet neighbours and enjoy the fun.
VISIT THE DOWNLOADS PAGE (Hard copies also available at St Mark's Church
And don't forget to read the small print
Get involved
Get planting and creating!
- Enter your produce!
- Encourage all the family to get involved - nothing ventured nothing gained!
- Revive an old skill or learn a new one
- Get creative and enter something you have made
- Donate tombola prizes and/or make a cake we can serve at the tea stand
- Volunteer to steward or be a runner on the morning of the show. Tea, cake and tombola stands need people to share the load of serving
- We also need help erecting, decorating and dismantling the marquees. Look out for requests nearer to the time.
- Please contact us with any queries or offers of help